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Chongqing qinglong new material science and technology co., LTD

Release Time:1/15/2019 10:32:00 AM ;Author:admin

  Chongqing qinglong new material technology co., LTD. Annual output of 2000 tons of strontium metal and annual output of 5000 tons of intermediate alloy project has been completed, the project pilot production began.

  On October 18, 2018, chongqing qinglong new material science and technology co., LTD. 's environmental protection facilities were approved after being reviewed and accepted by environmental protection experts, and a production pollution discharge permit was obtained on November 23, 2018.

  On November 27, 2018, after the review by experts and leaders of the safety supervision bureau, the pilot production plan and the on-site safety production conditions were approved and the pilot production was approved.

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